acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 신가영
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 남윤서
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 기다냐
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 장동빈
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 오의손
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 허준석
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
캔버스와 사물
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 장예진
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
내 손길이 가는데로
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 이유리
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 이송현
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 박해담
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 문시윤
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 이예진
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
정도精度+변수變數= Awesome音序
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 유시은
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
나의 디자인작품
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 배효민
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 김주희
Artist Mentoring with 박경률
acrylic on cotton, bead, clay, tape, woodstick, pebble, artificial plant and toy
by 김희우
Artist Mentoring with 주연
lezin casting and various material on acrylic pannel
by 유시은
Artist Mentoring with 주연
lezin casting and various material on acrylic pannel
by 김주희
Artist Mentoring with 주연
lezin casting and various material on acrylic pannel
by 김유정
Artist Mentoring with 주연
lezin casting and various material on acrylic pannel
by 문시윤
Artist Mentoring with 주연
내 꿈을 향해, 나 임다솔
lezin casting and various material on acrylic pannel
by 임다솔
(사)한국메세나협회와 한성자동차가 2012년 MOU를 체결하여 체계적이고 특화된 사회공헌 활동인 '드림그림'이 시작되었습니다. 예술을 접하기 어려운 학생들에게 매달 아티스트와의
수업을 지원하고, 다양한 콜라보레이션을 통해 대중과 공유하고 소통할 수 있는 경험을 주는 활동을 지속하고 있습니다. 앞으로는 더 나아가 사회적 가치와 함께 유의미한 수익을
창출하고, 이것을 또다시 사회에 환원하는 선순환적인 구조를 지향할 것입니다.